Department of Endodontics

Endodontics; is the branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the problems that have progressed to the pulp (vascular-nerve package, living tissue), which is a soft connective tissue located in the innermost part of the tooth and forms the living part of the tooth, and the diseases related to the tissues surrounding the tooth. After the dentistry education, students who completed their practical and theoretical education, as well as the doctorate in the Department of Endodontics, earn the title “endodontist”.

Within the Department of Endodontics;

  • Differential diagnosis and treatment of pain originating from pulp and periapical tissue,
  • Prevention of pulp diseases and live pulp treatments,
  • Root canal treatment and Retreatment treatment (repeat root canal treatment),
  • Treatment of dental traumatized teeth and Endodontic surgery applications,
  • Whitening of teeth that were previously treated with Endodontic,
  • Placing the post in the root canal cavity,
  • Besides prosthetics, periodontal and orthodontic treatments, additional Endodontic treatments are performed.